Useful Links

Pronunciation is important!
You can use to check how to say English words.

Grammar & Vocabulary
You can check some vocabulary and grammar exercises on this website:

This grammar aquarium is also great!

More grammar practice here.

Thousands of grammar exercises on this website.

Check out this free online listening lab!
Or you can scour Google Play Store or Apple Store for an app such as this one.

Reading is a very useful tool! When we read, we subconsciously learn correct sentence structure, improve our vocabulary and it's fun. You can read some stories according to your level on this website:
If you are an avid reader and you think that online reading is not good enough for you, I definitely recommend getting some kind of an e-book reader. This 69-dollar Kindle is worth every dollar! It is hard to find books in English in Campo Grande, especially if you are looking for specific books. In addition to that, they are pretty expensive. Kindle makes buying and reading books a walk in the park!

False friends (falsos cognatos)
Sometimes, it's not a good idea to translate from Portuguese to English literally. Take a look at this list of false friends and beware!

You can try this free demo version of the TOEFL test to feel what it is like to take it. They request your name, email and nationality but I believe you can get three short demo practice tests.

If you feel like trying the FCE test, you can do that here.

There is some IELTS practice material here.

If you want to play word games against other players online, you can try Word Soccer, which is played in Europe so you should play at "European times". Or if you are a more advanced user, you can play Word Battle. However, in order to play Word Battle, you must create a free account at or link your gmail account to it.

For Android I recommend searching Google Play Store for WordzUp!, Dropwords or Word Game 2

If you want to practice writing and make friends at the same time, why don't you try to find a "pen pal"? You can try this website or this one.